Pressure Points For Headaches

Pressure Points For Headaches - Vascular imbalance and excess muscle tension can cause irritations and pains above the neck. Strain in these areas may also lead to headaches and migraines. Many people rely on OTC pain relievers but these medicines offer temporary relief. However, you can alleviate pain and tension through reflexology and acupressure. It is easy to use these techniques because you can easily access the acupressure points in this area. Keep reading to learn more about the most common pressure points for headaches and ways to stimulate them.

Why Do You Have Headaches?

While there is no clear evidence about what causes headaches , experts believe environmental factors and genetics play a big role in the development of headaches . Some studies show that any change in the brainstem and the way it interacts with the trigeminal nerve may lead to headaches. Similarly, any imbalance in brain chemicals such as serotonin may also be the underlying cause of headaches– serotonin levels usually drop when you have a headaches attack and that makes your trigeminal system to release neuropeptides that may trigger headaches.

Even though there is no clear information about the real cause of headaches, there are certain known triggers to avoid. You may experience headaches when there are any hormonal changes during menopause or pregnancy. Other common triggers include food additives, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, certain foods, change in sleep-wake cycle, and changes in the environment. Stress and certain medications, such as vasodilators and oral contraceptives may also trigger a headaches attack.

Pressure Points For Headaches

Pressure Points For Headaches
Pressure Points For Headaches

The great thing about reflexology is that you can use these techniques to treat the problems externally as well as internally. In fact, you can get rid of your ailments completely if you stimulate those pressure points regularly. The idea behind stimulating pressure points is to clear the blocked meridians, which in turn helps energy to flow freely through the body. This will also lead to the production of endorphins that act as natural painkillers in your body.

Here are the most common pressure points for headaches :

1. Forehead Region

There are several points on your forehead and face, and all of them are yang points and are full of energy as well. Stimulating these points will make energy to flow downwards and help you find relief from aches and pains.

Third Eye Point

One of many points along your forehead is a point where the bridge of your nose joins the ridge of your eyebrows. Stimulating this point will offer relief from headaches, eye pain, eye fatigue, and hay fever.

Drilling Bamboo

In the inner corner of your eyes is another pressure point that helps find relief from allergy symptoms and sinus headaches. It is precisely located below the eyebrows, and stimulating it will also help improve vision. Be sure to apply pressure for at least a minute on both sides.

2. Temple Region

You can find several pressure points for migraines in the temple region. There is basically a chain of five points:hairline curve, valley lead, celestial hub, floating white, head portal yin. Hairline curve is close to the tip of your ear whereas the rest of the points curl around your ear. These points are located about a finger width from your ear. You will find relief from temporal headaches and migraines by applying pressure on these points. Be sure to stimulate all these points simultaneously for better results.

3. Face Region — Facial Beauty

These points locateon both sides of your nostril, at the bottom of your cheekbone, right below the pupil. It is easy to stimulate these points and proper stimulation will help open sinuses, relieve eye fatigue, toothaches, and reduce migraines and tension headaches.

4. Neck Region

There are a number of pressure points in the neck region. For instance:

Wind Mansion

One of these points is located at the back of your head – the exact location is halfway between your spine and ear. The point is called windmansionand applying pressure here will relieve pain in eyes, unblock nasal congestion, and reduce migraines and headaches.

Shoulder Well

Another pressure point in this region is at the edge of your shoulder – it is precisely halfway between the base of your neck and the point of your shoulder. Stimulating this point will help reduce neck stiffness and relieve neck pain as well. It also proves beneficial in treating ailments like spasms and asthma.

Heavenly Pillar

Heavenly pillar is yet another pressure point in the neck region and is precisely located two fingers below the base of your skull – it is basically on the rope like muscles that are on the both sides of your spine. Stimulating this point will relieve aches at the back of the head, eyestrain, neck pains, insomnia, stress, and stiff nick.

Gate of Consciousness

Gate of consciousness is located below the base of your skull – you will find it in the hollow between the vertical neck muscles. Stimulate this point to relieve headaches, arthritis, stiff neck, dizziness, eyestrain, neuro-motor coordination, and irritability.

5. Hands — Union Valley

On your hands, there is a point located in the webbing between your index finger and your thumb. You need to stimulate this point to relieve frontal headaches, back pain, and toothache. It is important to avoid triggering this point if you are pregnant because any stimulation of this point may cause contractions in the uterus.

6. Foot

There're also some pressure points for migraines on your foot that can provide relief with stimulation.

Bigger Rushing

On your foot, you can find a pressure point that helps manage your migraines better. It is located on the top of your foot between the big and the second toe. When you apply pressure on this point, you find relief from eye fatigue, headaches, foot cramps, and arthritis.

Above Tears

There is another point on the top of your foot – you will find it an inch above the webbing of your fourth and fifth toes. Stimulate this point to relive headaches, sciatica, water retention,arthritic pains, hip pain, and shoulder tension.

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