How to Make a Headache Go Away

How to Make a Headache Go Away - A headache can be a bothersome distraction. Thinking through the pain may be difficult, and attempting to concentrate on anything besides the head pounding can be taxing. There are a number of things a person can try to make a headache go away. Whether you take a holistic approach or a couple of pills, you can usually alleviate the pain of a typical headache.

How to Make a Headache Go Away
How to Make a Headache Go Away

Headache Remedies

Catch the pain early. As soon as you feel a headache coming on, work quickly to combat the pain. Depending on the type of headache, pain can radiate over various regions of a person's head and neck, intensifying if not treated at the onset of discomfort.

Do your best to determine the type of headache from which you are suffering. Tension headaches tend to present in the neck. Menstrual headaches can occur monthly as a symptom of premenstrual syndrome. A headache can be the symptom of a hangover or result from vision problems. Additional headache causes are hunger, dehydration and sensitivity to caffeine. If you are caffeine dependent, you may experience headaches if you haven't had your "fix" and vice versa. Caffeine consumption can aid in headache relief, while overconsumption can cause headaches.

Determine the most suitable treatment to cure your headache. You may prefer a natural alternative such as willow bark, an organic pain reliever that naturally contains salicylate, the active ingredient in aspirin (Tkac, 1990). Aspirin, acetaminophen, naproxen and ibuprofen are the generic names for common medications used to treat headaches.

Drink more water. Adequate hydration can ease the affects of a headache. Replenishing needed fluids can eliminate headaches due to dehydration. This can be accomplished with or without taking additional remedies like common over-the-counter medications.

Eat something filling. Missed meals may cause a headache, and eating something to satisfy hunger can provide relief. Sticking to a regular eating schedule can help regulate the functions of your digestive system as well as prevent hunger headaches.

Have some sex. The increase in blood flow alleviates tension and stress and can completely eradicate a muscle contraction headache once your lower muscles begin some contracting of their own. According to headache specialist Dr. Vincent Martin, sex that leads to orgasm releases serotonin, which helps get rid of headaches. Unfortunately, if you suffer from "coital" or "sex headaches" the sex and resulting orgasm actually become the cause and not the solution.

Get some rest. Resting in a quiet location is therapeutic and can aid in expediting the alleviation of a headache. Lying down and even napping, with or without medication, can be the needed cure for a headache.

Source : Ehow

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